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All businesses that successfully register under GST are assigned a unique Goods and Services Tax Identification Number also known as GSTIN.
If a business operates from more than one state, then a separate GST registration is required for each state. For instance, if a sweet vendor sells in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, he has to apply for separate GST registration in Karnataka and TN respectively. A business with multiple business verticals in a state may obtain a separate registration for each business vertical.
It is mandatory to get GST registration under-
*In case of North Eastern States, an annual turnover threshold limit is INR 20 Lakhs*
The documents required depends upon the type of business you are running as. Following below documents required for GST Registration
GST rate varies from nature of goods/services you are selling; it ranges from 0% to 28%. To find out GST rate on your business download our GST guide from above
Yes, you can sell both Goods and Services with one GST number, provided you have listed such Goods/Services while registering under GST.
Yes, you can sell both Goods and Services with one GST number, provided you have listed such Goods/Services while registering under GST.